Friday, October 24, 2008

Blacks and Independence

Recently I was on hip hop republican, a website for African Americans who suscribe to consevative ideas. And recently they had pictures of New Yorkers supporting McCain. They were in front of their office, which had been vandalized. But all that had seemed to do was encourage the McCain fans to "gird their loins" and back their man.

In two of the pic, I saw pictures of blacks proudly holding their McCain signs, unapologetic of their support. Although I am a liberal, I was happy and proud that these fellow brothas and sistas stood up for what and who they believed in.

I'm an ID - Independent Democrat. I am pro-choice, pro-affirmative action, you know the rest. But most of all I am pro-choice in terms of everything. I believe it is our right as citizens to choose our fate so long as it doesn't hurt others. Being black (I don't know what it's like to be Jewish or Scottish) I have appreciated what my ancestors (and my mom and dad) went through to obtain equality and due process under law; to be real citizens of this country and not just "freed blacks."

So it concerns me how we African Americans want to corner ourselves into little boxes, especially politically. We have to be Democrat, we have to be obsessed with getting Obama into the White House. Not every black person feels that way. Some want Obama. Cool. Some want McCain. Cool. Some want Soulja Boy or Diddy(ummm, okay). Cool. Some want Ron Paul (now wait a minute... just kidding.) Cool.

The point is, we should be the last people to condemn our brothers and sisters for independent thought. Less than 150 years ago, we could not have even dreamed about being nothing more than labor, now we can be doctors, teachers, rap artists, opera singers, even politicians. While we have come from roughly the same past, we are all individuals, with our own paths to happiness. Let us go our own way, be it Obama or other. That was King's dream and ours as well.

1 comment:

JMK said...

"I'm an ID - Independent Democrat. I am pro-choice, pro-affirmative action, you know the rest. But most of all I am pro-choice in terms of everything." (Rachel)
Interesting, I consider myself "somewhat pro-choice," that is, I support first trimester abortion on demand and late term abortion only in instances where it is needed to save the life of the mother from imminent demise.

I am vehemently anti-race/gender preferences, but support "outreach, recruitment and remedial skills enhancement (RSE) for those who have trouble on standardized exams - the RSE for all comers.

I am also pro-choice on most issues, and against government dictating how we should live...and I have the nerve to call myself a "Conservative."